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    SANN 01 ECO | Economics (Book )
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    SANN 01 ECO | Economics (Book )

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    Chi phí để bảo trì Domain, Hotting
    Đặt hàng sản phẩm -40%
    Giá bán : 12,000 đ
    Giá thị trường : 20,000 đ
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    SANN 01 ECO | Economics (Book )

    SANN 01 ECO | Economics (Book )

    SANN 01 ECO | Economics (Book )

    SANN 01 ECO | Economics (Book )

    SANN 01 ECO | Economics (Book )
    Thu gọn

    Economics affects all our lives. As consumers we try to make the best of our limited incomes. As workers – or future workers – we take our place in the job market. As citizens of a country our lives are affected by the decisions of our government and other policy makers: decisions over taxes, decisions over spending on health and education, decisions on interest rates, decisions that affect unemployment, inflation and growth. As dwellers on the planet Earth we are affected by the economic decisions of each other: the air we breathe, the water we drink and the environment we leave to our children are all affected by the economic decisions taken by the human race.
    Economics thus deals with some of the most challenging issues we face. It is this that still excites us about economics after many years of teaching the subject. We hope that
    some of this excitement rubs off on you. The first nine editions of Economics have been widely used in Britain and throughout the world. Like them, this new edition is suitable for all students of economics at firstyear degree level, A level or on various professional courses where a broad grounding in both principles and applications is required. It is structured to be easily understood by those of you who are new to the subject, with various sections and boxes that can be left out on first reading or on shorter courses; yet it also has sufficient depth to challenge those of you who have studied the subject before, with starred sections (appearing on a grey background) and starred case studies that will provide much that is new.
    There are also optional short mathematical sections for those of you studying a more quantitatively focused course.
    The book gives a self-contained introduction to the world of economics and is thus ideal for those who will not study the subject beyond introductory level. But by carefully laying a comprehensive foundation and by the inclusion of certain materials in starred sections that bridge the gap between introductory and second-level economics, it provides the necessary coverage for those of you going on to specialise in economics